Another bitter cold morning so just a 60 minute session, but we still packed a lot in.

//rainbow group:

Started off with some controlled braking, progressing into an elimination game using emergency stops.

Then we moved to riding in a single file line, maintaining speed and direction of travel with each passing lap, the rider 2nd in line would move out to the right of the rider(s) in the first line resulting in the final lap all riders riding side by side instead of single file.

Staying with the theme of riding in close quarters we tried riding in pairs/threes while keeping our wheels level with teammates, and each rider got the chance to change position within the group. Some of our youngest riders, Reuben & Leo, were so quick at picking this skill up, they decided to add in an extra factor of telling jokes while riding in a group!

Finished off with the old favourite of shrinking circles, which helps maintain balance in a small enclosed space at low speeds.

//red group:

Similar to Rainbow group, a lot of our focus was on riding at close quarters with our teammates. We started off with our usual high 5’s around the oval, before adding a stop box to try and practice coming to a halt, not putting our feet down, then continuing onwards. Getting impressed with some of the track-stands we’re seeing now from our group!

We split into pairs with one rider leading as the other followed. 1st off, navigating a course while trying to stay as close to the wheel of the rider in front as we could. The progression from here was for the rear rider to hold up fingers on one hand, and the front rider to look over their shoulder and call out the number he/she sees. All while continuing to ride safely forward. Promoting the essential safety skill of glancing behind you while continuing your forward motion. Riders then swapped roles and repeated.

Finally, a solo time trial on the course with the added pressure of teammates watching on keenly. Dylan took the win, but Josh was a very close 2nd, undone only by an untimely skid of his back wheel at the start of his run. An honorable mention to Euan, who recorded one of the slowest times but only because he crashed while trying to push his limits on a corner. As Primoz Roglic himself says. “No Risk, No Glory

//yellow group:

The focus for yellow group was gear selection on hills, and then some start line practice with the upcoming races in mind. Pedalling downhill was the first key point, rather than freewheeling. All of the riders managed to pedal consistently going down the hill by shifting into a suitably high/hard gear to keep cadence under control.

They then did the opposite by switching to a low/easy gear when taking on an uphill. As well as the importance of the gear choice itself, timing was the focus on this task as riders learned to make the gear change in anticipation of the gradient rising, rather than wait until the legs began to struggle on the pedals. The task was concluded with a relay race which was almost too tight to call!

Session ended with some start line practice, with each rider trying out different positions to emulate the different scenarios they are likely to face in races (gridded at the front, at the rear or in the middle of a packed bunch).


